The 8 Prep Steps for Pre-Dermal Filler Treatment

Fine lines and wrinkles are part and parcel of the natural ageing process. As we age, our collagen levels diminish so that even by our mid- to late-20s, we can start noticing lines which were previously non-existent and a lack of volume where skin was once plump and full. These signs of ageing only grow more prominent as time goes by, and coupled with stress, worry and a few sleepless nights, it’s no wonder you might consider ways to get rid of them. Enter, dermal fillers, a non-surgical procedure to reduce wrinkles, injected into areas of facial tissue to temporarily increase lost volume in the skin.

If you are contemplating getting dermal fillers, here are 8 steps to keep in mind pre-treatment:

1. Do your research:

If you Google “dermal fillers”, countless hits pop up for numerous different salons and clinics offering the service. It is vitally important however that you attend a well-regarded, reputable and trusted clinic and that the procedure is carried out by a highly-qualified medical practitioner. There are also many kinds of filler. Thérapie Clinic use Restylane, which is the world’s leading hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler.

It’s safety and results are clinically proven and it has been used for more than 15 years and in upwards of 15 million treatments around the globe. The practitioners at Thérapie Clinic who administer this treatment are trained in its application and are highly knowledgeable about the product itself, as well as advancements and developments in this area.

2. Ensure that you are a suitable candidate:

Dermal fillers can treat fine lines and wrinkles as well as targeting loss of volume in the face and lips. If you would like to improve on these areas, it is a great idea to attend a consultation in your chosen clinic to ensure that you are a viable candidate for the procedure. Please note that dermal fillers are not suitable for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or those who bruise easily. Your consultant will also consider your skin type and any allergies you may have.

3. Find out where can you get dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are not only used to add volume to areas of the face such as the cheeks and lips, but can also treat areas such as the jawline and hands, helping you to defy gravity and keep your skin looking full of vitality for longer.

4. Know the procedure:

If you are nervous about the treatment, knowing what is happening on the day and asking any questions that you may have in your consultation can help ease any concerns, so make sure to find out the answers to any questions you have about dermal fillers. A numbing cream is applied to the treated area as well as an antiseptic and occasionally an ice pack shortly before the injection is administered. The needles used are very small and treatment usually only takes about 15 minutes, depending on the area being treated. The doctor will allow you to sit while the fillers take action and should run through the post-procedure care guidelines.

5. Be aware of the aftercare:

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical procedure so do not require a huge amount of downtime. However, it is normal for the skin at the site of the injection to react and some swelling, redness, slight pain, itching, discolouration and tenderness may occur. These effects may last anywhere from 2-10 days so it is advisable to plan your schedule prior to treatment. It is best to avoid any big work or social engagements for the week following the treatment. Results will most likely be visible to you straight away, but can take up to seven days to fully settle.

6. Know what to do pre-and post-dermal fillers:

  • Do prep your skin. Prior to treatment, make sure to look after your skin and keep it in the best condition. Moisturise and avoid damaged pores.
  • Do use sun cream, pre-and-post treatment, to protect your skin.
  • Do eat pineapple, as studies suggest the bromelain naturally found in pineapple can inhibit clot formation and therefore prevent bruising.
  • Do apply a cold compress or ice pack to the treated area to reduce swelling, redness and bruising.

7. Know what to avoid pre-and post-dermal fillers:

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours pre-and post treatment.
  • For a week before and after the procedure, avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, Ibuprofen and Vitamin E, as well as certain food supplements such as fish oil, liquorice, garlic, ginger, ginkgo and green tea.
  • Avoid sun and heat exposure
  • Avoid exercise other than walking immediately post-treatment.

8. Manage your expectations

Although dermal filler results are temporary, they tend to last longer than some other injectables and help enhance your natural beauty for longer. Depending on internal and external factors such as each individual’s skin type, lifestyle and age, dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. They will not last forever, but they will give you a fuller, fresher and more youthful appearance for many months.

Dermal Fillers and other treatments are available at Thérapie Clinic. Book a consultation to explore the best option for you and your skin by calling 1890 650 750 or by clicking below.