How Safe Are Dermal Fillers? The Facts You Need To Know

Thanks to the rise of Instagram culture, where not a day goes by without multiple sightings of a beautifully contoured celebrity or fresh-faced influencer on our screens, we’ve never been under greater pressure to look our very best. And it comes as no surprise then, that there’s been a dramatic increase in the number of people looking for an effective anti-ageing treatment that will help restore a youthful appearance to our faces and get rid of those wrinkles that are starting to form.

According to data published by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), last year saw us shunning invasive cosmetic surgery in favour of non-surgical anti-wrinkle injectables and dermal fillers. It could be argued that the decline in cosmetic surgery stems from a greater awareness of the risks involved in surgical procedures, but as with any procedure, there are certain things you need to be aware of and to consider before you opt for dermal fillers.

As they are a non-invasive form of facial rejuvenation, dermal fillers are, generally speaking, safe, but only when they are administered by an accredited professional. A qualified and experienced person should always introduce the filler to avoid any risk of complications, and be able to recognise and respond to any such complications in the unlikely event they do arise.

In the US, just six types of dermal filler are approved for use by professionals (and on prescription only), while more than 150 different types are available on the European market, all of which can be injected without prescription by anyone, whether they have specialist training or not. However, regular warnings against the use of dubious permanent fillers have urged the European Union to reclassify fillers as ‘medicines’, so that they can be stringently tested and regulated, and this has increased confidence in the products that are being made available for use.

All of this might sound a little scary, but the good news is that it is easy to get safe and effective dermal fillers in Ireland at the best skincare clinic. All injectables are only administered by qualified practitioners at Thérapie Clinic, so you can know you are in safe hands.

We will only use dermal fillers on people who are suitable for the treatment, and at your consultation we will have a skincare specialist assess your skin and advise on the best course of action to take, so you can know for sure that we will look after your best interests. We won’t administer dermal fillers if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you bruise easily.

The dermal fillers we use are also non-permanent, meaning the great results you get from them can be enjoyed for months before you choose whether to return for further treatment, but you will not be left with a permanent change to your face.

We also only use Restylane, the world’s most tried and tested hyaluronic acid dermal filler available. Because hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the body, it will react positively with your skin to encourage the growth of collagen, bringing plumpness and vitality back to your face.

To learn more about dermal fillers from a trained practitioner and find out what they can do to help restore your youthful appearance, book a consultation with us by calling 1890 650 750 or by clicking below.