Those Lines And Wrinkles Around Your Mouth And How to Get Rid of Yours With Dermal Fillers

Laughter lines, smile creases, facial wrinkles: call them whatever pet-name you may, but in truth, they are some of the telltale signs of ageing and can lead to an overall tired and drawn appearance.

While it’s completely normal to have little lines stretching from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth, even at a young age, these nasolabial folds, to give them their anatomical name, can seem to deepen and ‘set-in’ rapidly. This is quite likely due to the fact that, while the loss of tissue volume proceeds quite gradually in most areas of the face, a dramatic volume-loss from the mid-face section can sometimes occur quite suddenly, causing the skin in the area to slacken and fall.

Less underlying fat tissues to support the dermal structure, coupled with a decrease in collagen production over time, can leave nasolabial folds very pronounced and all the more apparent when you look at yourself in the mirror.

The early signs of fine lines, caused by repetitive muscle movement, begin to show in your mid-20s. Known as ‘dynamic lines’, these typically form around the eyes and mouth during facial expressions, such as repeated smiling or having a “big smile”. (So, the happier your youth, the worse your wrinkles? I mean, we really can’t win…) But from 35 onwards, dynamic wrinkles deepen and the number of static lines, which are apparent with or without facial movement, also increase. Add to this internal hormonal changes and lifestyle factors, such as sun-exposure and smoking habits, which all work to reduce our skin’s dexterity and flexibility further, and you can be left looking older than you are, almost overnight.

But if a few full, well-lived years have left you with deepened lines and wrinkles that don’t look like going anywhere fast, never fear, those nasolabial folds can be treated using dermal fillers.

One method using dermal fillers treats the symptoms, or the folds themselves. A Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal filler can be safely injected into the lines and surrounding ‘hill and valley’ area, to fill in the fold and smooth the skin’s surface. Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally-occurring substance, found in the body, that can harness up to 1,000 times its own weight in water. As we age, our skin produces less and less HA, which leads to dehydration, a lack of volume and the deepening of lines and wrinkles. By injecting a hyaluronic acid dermal filler that closely resembles our own bodily HA deep into the skin, water will be drawn to the area, rehydrating and plumping the skin from the inside out.

Another way in which dermal fillers can be used effectively to reduce fine lines and wrinkles is to counter their causes – the loss of volume and structural support from the cheek area. A volumising dermal filler can be injected into the ‘fallen’ cheek area to lift it and reinforce the structural support of the skin, restoring and enhancing your natural volume.

Enhancing facial contours in this way, although slightly more expensive due to the volume of filler required, is the sole non-surgical method of immediately correcting age-related volume loss in the cheeks. Patients may see the results lasting somewhat longer too, due to the quality of filler injected and the fact that the problem is being treated at its source.

Also, it’s really worth remembering that everything should be in moderation, so don’t be tempted to overfill. Convex nasolabial folds will never be a good look!

If you suffer from pronounced nasolabial folds or age-related volume loss in the face or cheek area, schedule a consultation at Thérapie Clinic to find out more about how dermal fillers can help you, or to learn about other treatment options.

Contact Thérapie Clinic by calling 1890 650 750 or book your free consultation below.