Dermal Fillers: The Aftercare Steps To Give You A Fuller, More Youthful Face

In recent years, there has been a huge surge in the popularity and use of dermal fillers. This is due, in part, to their ready availability, fast results and modern society’s obsession with holding on to youthful looks for as long as possible. Try as we may to eat well, look after our skin and live reasonably healthy lives, the rate at which we age, (or at least show the signs of ageing), is essentially out of our hands and comes down to genetics.

The tell-tale signs of ageing may range from slightly crepey skin under the eyes for one person, to deeply pronounced nasolabial folds (the lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth), for another. In order to keep these signs of ageing at bay, many people turn to dermal fillers as the best way to restore volume and a youthful appearance to the face, because they can be extremely effective and are a non-surgical option for restoring features to their full, plump state, with just a few injections.

However, there are certain best practices to make sure the treatment works for you. Despite the innocuousness of the dermal filler administrational procedure, pre- and post-treatment actions can play a huge role in the resulting outcome, so know what you need to know about the procedure, follow your doctor’s instructions fully and bear the below tips in mind to keep the entire process baby-skin smooth.

Prep is Key…

As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure and so, to help minimise the risk of any untoward effects post-procedure, preparation is key. In the lead up to your dermal filler treatment, avoid medications that may contain aspirin or any herbal supplements that increase the risk of bleeding or might interfere with fillers themselves (St John’s Wort, Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin E, Omega 3 oils, garlic, ginseng) and be sure to steer clear of ibuprofen and alcohol, in the days leading up to the treatment as they have blood-thinning qualities.

Gently Does It…

Within the first 24-48hrs after your procedure, it is normal to expect some tenderness, swelling and redness in the area(s) treated, so be good to yourself, relax and let the dermal filler enhance your natural beauty in its own time. Bruising is also likely, but varies in severity from patient to patient, so if you bruise easily or have high blood pressure, you may need to allow two weeks for full healing and to really enjoy the regained volume and vitality in your skin. Arnica can be taken and applied topically to the area, to speed up the healing process, but do so with a gentle hand, as it’s not advisable to massage or rub the treated area until the dermal fillers have settled.

Business as Usual…

When it comes to your own skincare routines, cleanse and moisturise as normal, but it is best to avoid using more active products containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxyl Acids/Glycolics), BHAs (Beta Hydroxyl Acids), or Retinoid gels or creams, during the first few days, as these may cause the injection sites to become inflamed. Facials, waxing and laser treatments also need to be reintroduced slowly post-dermal filler treatment, and always make sure your therapist is aware that you’ve had it done.

No Extremes…

Extremes of hot or cold can cause issues post-treatment too, so stay out of the sun, hot tub and sauna and while a cool compress can help with swelling, avoid extended exposure to frosty temperatures. Strenuous exercise isn’t recommended until your dermal fillers have fully settled in (48hrs) either, so give the gym/yoga a miss, in favour of gentle walking – and allow the filler to do its natural, wondrous magic in helping you defy gravity.

Keep A Record…

Document the name of the filler administered (we use Restylane, which is proven to be safe and very effective), quantities injected and the batch number, so that should you experience negative effects or reactions, arising from a manufacturing issue, all discrepancies can be traced back. This information can also helpful when it comes to considering potential follow-up procedures or top-ups.

As with any medical procedures, aesthetic or otherwise, there are some risks involved, but by following the correct aftercare instructions, you can ensure risks are reduced and results maximised, leaving you with wonderfully smooth and vibrant skin.

If you’re interested in arranging a consultation to discuss dermal fillers further, contact Thérapie Clinic by phone by calling 1890 650 750 or book your consultation below.