8 Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal continues to grow in popularity because it’s quick, the results are long-lasting and it requires little effort. Despite this, there are still some common misconceptions about the treatment. Here, we address those myths and reveal the truth so you can see for yourself why it’s the best laser hair removal option available.

It’s only for women

Contrary to this statement, more and more men are undergoing the treatment and quite rightly so. Laser Hair Removal can be used on most parts of the body, including the legs, underarm, shoulder, chest and back areas. In other words, getting that smooth Cristiano Ronaldo look on the beach has never been easier.

It hurts

We’re not going to lie, it’s not without a little discomfort and those with sensitive skin will feel it more, but does laser hair removal hurt? Not really. The sensation of Laser Hair Removal is akin to an elastic band snapping off your skin and it becomes more tolerable the more you have it done. The fact that the laser is moving all of the time keeps this discomfort to a minimum. When compared to the pain of waxing or the annoyance of shaving, it’s a doddle! Another tip is to avoid things before your treatment that will make your skin more sensitive, such as caffeine, so hold off on that latte until afterwards. There are also some great tips and products for after-treatment care.

It gets rid of all hair

The effectiveness of the treatment very much depends on the person – the rate at which their hair grows and their skin type. As the laser targets hairs at a particular point in the growth cycle and hair is at this point of the cycle at different times, it does take a few sessions to get rid of all of it, which is why it is done over a course of treatments. The good thing is that Laser Hair Removal does achieve a longer-lasting result than other hair removal techniques and should lead to a reduction in overall hair growth (up to 90% ), making it the best hair removal treatment you can get.

It’s for everyone

It is said that Laser Hair Removal works best on people with light skin and dark hair (good news for us Irish) but that’s not to say that it doesn’t work for other hair colours, skin types and skin tones. We would say that the only way of determining if it is right for you is to speak to an expert and have a free consultation discussing objectives, suitability and treatment options.

It’s expensive

Prices for Laser Hair Removal will depend on where you go. While you want to make sure that you go to a reputable clinic and a qualified specialist, you will have to pay for this. However, Thérapie Clinic offer great treatments at affordable prices. With prices starting at €29 per session and a range of payment plans available, you are guaranteed to find the right option for you. Just don’t forget to do your research beforehand. It’s also worth noting that laser hair removal is significantly more cost-effective than the cost of shaving or the waxing cost over a ten-year period – check out the stats below!

It takes a long time

Yes, you will need more than one session but each treatment only lasts approximately 30-45 minutes (that’s less than an episode of your favourite television show), so you can even pop in on your lunch break. And just think about the time you’ll save shaving in the shower and gritting your teeth while waxing due to laser hair removal being a permanent hair removal treatment. Like we said before, the longer-term results speak for themselves.

It’s not safe

Laser is a clinically tested treatment and is FDA-approved. Such procedures have undergone rigorous trials to ensure patient safety and efficacy. Again, you need to ensure that you are going to a therapist who is highly trained and using the highest grade medical lasers (which is the case at Thérapie Clinic).

It’s also vital that you undergo a patch test to check for any reactions before having the treatment.The laser hair removal side effects are also minimal.

It means not shaving beforehand

One of the main things that can put people off Laser Hair Removal is the frustration of having to let hair grow to a certain extent before the procedure but this isn’t the case. You can shave the day before the treatment, just not the day of, as this can make the skin sensitive. Of course, you can’t wax as this will leave the laser with nothing to target. Still, being able to shave the day before and between sessions means that you can enjoy smooth pins all the way through.

If Laser Hair Removal is something you might be interested in, contact Thérapie Clinic to arrange a free consultation. Call us on 1890 650 750, or book a consultation below.