Laser Hair Removal For Unwanted Hair

Laser Hair Removal

Does the sight of the sun coming make you despair? You’re going to have to start peeling off the layers, and for people with excess or unwanted hair, the very thought fills them with dread. So many people in the Ireland would rather cover up in the sunshine than battle the daily problem of coarse, unsightly body hair.


There is a solution-now you can address the problem of unwanted hair, with amazing, lasting results, using Laser Hair Removal.


Advanced Laser Technology

Thérapie Clinic has the most advanced laser technology in the world, and have extensive experience in helping clients with every type of unwanted hair. They understand how difficult it can be for people.


Excessive or unsightly body hair can really take a toll on your self esteem. Both men and women suffer from it, and often try to deal with it themselves, at home, in a confused and uncomfortable flurry of depilatory creams, razors and sticky strips.


Remove Unwanted Hair – Over 90% of Clients Achieve Permanent Hair Reduction

Unwanted hair can be on any area of the body; peoples’ requirements can vary from a little ‘strategic deforestation’ in the bikini or underarm region, to needing to get rid of distressing facial hair. Many men have now discovered that they can permanently be rid of back hair; great after years of slight mortification whenever they had to strip off; hunk on one side, gorilla on the other.


There are many ways to remove unwanted hair, but laser hair removal is the most effective long term treatment. It’s quick and gentle, and will give you permanent hair reduction. You’ll need at least 6 treatments, but the results are lasting and patients achieve over 90% hair reduction.


Thérapie Clinic is recognised as a leader in Laser Hair Removal; having treated over 200,000 satisfied clients to date in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and now expanding to the UK, and other markets. They have invested heavily in technology and equipment and use only the best medical grade lasers.


Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

A lot of salons and clinics offer IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) which is technically not a laser at all. These machines don’t have much power, and aren’t very effective. Thérapie use the Candela GentleLase and the Soprana BLU, high powered medical grade lasers that are extremely efficient and very precise, so a course of treatment reduces your unwanted hair.


It doesn’t hurt; lasers work by delivering an intense beam of light that is absorbed by the skin. This light is converted to heat and is absorbed by the cells being targeted, while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected. Thérapie Clinic’s lasers are highly precise and unlike IPL, there is no danger of damage or trauma to the skin.


Highly Trained Laser Therapists

You need to feel safe in the knowledge that the person with the laser in their hand know what they’re doing. Aesthetic Laser Therapists have to be well trained and experienced to treat each customers needs, particularly in delicate facial areas; Thérapie Clinic is the only clinic to have an in-house training school providing certified laser training.


Women seem to spend an inordinate proportion of our lives grooming ourselves, adding in what we don’t have and trying to divest ourselves of what we do have but don’t want! Unsightly hair definitely falls into this category, and we actually spend a lot of time with a razor. For a long term resolution to the usual areas of hair removal, legs; underarm, and bikini line, laser removal is the perfect option as the hair reduction lasts for such a long time, particularly for those who have very dark hair noticeable against fair skin.


When the surrounding skin is relatively light compared to the colour of the hair, all of the light energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair shaft. Blondes and redheads are also catered for at Thérapie Clinic, as the revolutionary Medilase system can use pure ultrasound to remove all hair colour permanently and is perfect for removing hair on sensitive areas like ears, eyebrows, nose, nipple and upper lip.


Clients start with a free consultation and a patch test to make sure they’re compatible with laser treatment, as safety and customer care are top priority. Thérapie will discuss a payment plan to suit your needs. It seems many clients have one area done, and then go back to have other areas lasered; saying a permanent goodbye to their unwanted hair-and their razor!