5 minute facts : All you need to know about Dermal Fillers

5 minute facts : All you need to know about Dermal Fillers

It’s a well known fact that the war we wage on aging skin is a difficult one to maintain.Using quality skincare will absolutely make a difference to help our cause, but the reality is that fillers are a far more successful way of wiping out wrinkles and lines and promoting youth and fullness across the face.

If fillers are something you’re considering, our 5 minute facts on Dermal Fillers will bring you up to speed on what you can expect before booking a consultation or treatment.

What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are a safe non permanent way to smooth, lift and sculpt your areas of concern across your face. As we grow older, our facial muscles and connecting tissue begin to sag and this unfortunately results in sunken cheeks and temples. By using a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid to bulk up the skin that has gone hollow the fillers give instant long lasting results without using invasive or surgical means.

I want to get some fillers – what happens when I book a consultation?
As Europe’s leading aesthetic provider, Thérapie Clinic has a very thorough and professional process in place for all treatments including dermal fillers. Your treatment will begin with a private consultation that includes a full facial assessment by a Doctor led team of therapists. After this you can chat through what you’d like to achieve with your therapist and from there a treatment plan is put into place.

What will my treatment look like?
A dermal filler treatment is very straightforward, and in fact it only takes a few minutes. After your treatment plan has been decided on the team will go ahead with the procedure. A fine needle is used to inject the filler into the targeted facial muscle, and really that’s it. After this your therapist will provide you with lots of really useful post treatment care advice.

Anything else I should know?
Yes a few things are useful to know. The treatment is long lasting but not permanent, how long your fillers will last depends on a number of factors such as your skin type, age and lifestyle.

After your treatment it’s very common to see some small injection related reactions like swelling, bruising, redness, itching or discoloration. These typically resolve within 2 to 10 days. If you can try not to use anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin before or after your treatment as these will almost always cause bleeding or bruising. Finally it’s not advisable to exercise (except for walking) for 24 hours after the procedure.

Find out more today
Known as Europe’s no.1 aesthetic practice, Thérapie Clinic are Europe’s largest and most experienced dermal filler providers. With seventeen years of experience, and having conducted over 1 million treatments, they are the first choice of many celebrities and well known faces across the UK and Ireland.

With several luxurious clinics across Ireland, the UK and India the company carries out dermal filler procedures by a Doctor led team of professionals with years of experience.

Book your consultation
Contact Thérapie today to book a consultation and find out more about Europe’s most popular choice for dermal fillers.