Botox for Beginners – Is it a treatment you should consider?

Seeing a little extra wrinkle here and there when you’re looking in the mirror in the morning? Don’t worry, it happens to us all – and there’s no stopping the onset of time – or is there?

If you’re thinking more and more about anti-aging treatments and have thought about getting Botox but don’t know where you stand on what is now the World’s number one anti-aging treatment, then let’s take a look at the basics.

Stigma – what stigma?
By the end of 2020 it’s thought that over 1.5m people in the UK will have had non-surgical anti-wrinkle treatments like Botox injections or fillers. That’s no small figure, and it proves that any stigma around Botox or other aesthetic procedures is certainly a thing of the past. In fact, because Botox has now been around for almost 20 years, there’s definitely been more of an acceptance of its place in the anti-aging market especially because it’s now evident just how effective Botox is in the treatment of wrinkles.

Tired eyes
Those wrinkles in the mirror are most likely around your eye area because as we get older the skin around our eyes is one of the first places where the signs of aging show. Botox is a non permanent, non surgical way to treat fine lines under the eyes, Crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles. If you decide to go ahead with the procedure the results will be obvious to you 2-5 days after your treatment and will last for up to four months.

Preventative measures
Without doubt more and more people are using Botox a little earlier than they need to, all in the name of prevention. In fact it has been proven that using Botox a little earlier or before lines appear, (known as Preventative Botox) we can indeed slow down the effects and onset of wrinkles. Research shows that there has been a noticeable shift in recent years towards Preventative Botox by customers all over the World.

Ireland’s no.1 Botox Clinic
Thérapie Clinic is Europe’s no.1 Botox Clinic, with a number of clinics throughout Ireland and the UK. Well known for many years as the leading aesthetic experts in Ireland, Thérapie are a highly experienced, Doctor led Clinic who have over the past few years treated many celebrities and well known faces in Ireland, as well as everyday customers who know they can trust the Thérapie brand for a professional and quality procedure.

Book a free consultation today

Learn more about booking a free one to one consultation with the Thérapie team in one of their Clinics throughout Ireland by calling 1890 650 750 or online at