Three things you SHOULDN’T do before your next Laser Hair Removal appointment

Bitten the bullet and started a course of Laser Hair Removal? Brilliant news, you’ve started a journey that will pave the path to smooth, silky hair free skin like you’ve never had before!
Laser Hair Removal is fast becoming the UK and Ireland’s favourite way to permanently get rid of hair, and as most patients need only 6-8 sessions on average to successfully stop hair in its growth cycle, Laser Hair Removal is absolutely one of the best cost effective decisions you’ll ever make.
As with any treatment, there are a few house rules that will help you to get the most from every session you have, a little perseverance will help your treatment work as best as possible for you. Here are our top three things you SHOULDN’T do before your next Laser Hair Removal session…
Think about getting a wax in between sessions
Don’t do it! Hang on in there for a little longer, as early as after one session you will see a real difference in your hair growth, Shaving is fine between treatments but try to stay away from waxing or plucking as these both completely remove the hair from the follicle, and for the laser to work there needs to be a hair present in the follicle. If you have waxed or plucked the treatment area you will need to wait 6-8 weeks for follicles to produce a new hair, so in fact you will be prolonging your treatments!
Forget your SPF
This is a really important one. For the treatment to work effectively, it’s best not to expose the skin to the sun before and after treatments to avoid sensitivity or sun damage. If you have to be exposed to the sun before your treatments always cover up the area being treated and if that’s not possible, wear SPF 50.
Here’s the science bit – during your laser hair removal treatment the light from the laser is attracted to the dark pigment in the hair follicle, but if the skin on the area being treated is tanned, discoloration or pigmentation may occur as the laser will also be attracted to the dark pigment in the skin. Because the colour of the skin is closer to the colour of the pigment in the hair, the laser’s settings cannot be set as strong, making it less targeted, meaning the treatment will be less effective.
Use tanning products
If at all possible, try not to wear fake tan on the area being treated. If you arrive at your appointment wearing fake tan, your therapist will not be able to treat you, so ditch that tan at least 10 days before your treatment!
Some other things to remember…
Before or after your treatment it is recommended that you avoid very hot showers, baths, saunas, or swimming. One top tip we have is to try to wear loose, cotton clothing to your appointment and in the hours or days just after a treatment go easy on perfumed products or creams for this short period. Trust us, it will be so worth it!

It’s a forever thing!

Laser Hair Removal is a simple but effective permanent hair removal treatment that suits all skin types, and has everyone talking. So, whether it’s something you’ve been debating for a while or if you think you’d simply like to give it a go, now is the time! Trust us the treatment is life changing – and something you won’t regret.
Laser Hair Removal at Thérapie Clinic
Don’t delay! Finding out more about the life changing treatment that is Laser Hair Removal today at Thérapie Clinic, voted the Best Aesthetic Clinic in the UK and Ireland in 2019.
Thérapie has 40 Clinics across the UK and Ireland. You can learn more today about booking a free Laser Hair Removal consultation with the Thérapie team in any one of our Clinics by calling 1890 650 750 (Ireland), 0800 012 1565 (UK) or online at