8 Questions About Anti-Wrinkle Injectables And The Answers You Need

Humans are emotional, expressive beings, and nothing shows more expression than our faces! These expressions are caused by the movement of our facial muscles which contract and cause folds in the skin. When we relax our face, these lines also relax. However, collagen, which gives skin its structure, diminishes as we get older. This means that the lines in our skin remain, even when our face is relaxed, and unfortunately, they only get deeper as we age.

Who doesn’t want to have younger, fresher and brighter looking skin? Or erase a few fatigue, stress and worry lines? Many people consider anti-wrinkle injectables at some point but worry that they will end up with a ‘frozen’ face and that they won’t be able to make facial expressions. This is one of many myths surrounding anti-wrinkle injectables, and there are many more.

We have compiled a list of the 8 most common questions we hear, and the answers to them, so you can know the facts from the fiction and decide for yourself if anti-wrinkle injectables are for you.

Will my face look frozen and will it be obvious that I have had ‘work’ done?

No. If the anti-wrinkle injectables are administered correctly by a professional, they will consider your face’s shape and structure and provide a treatment that is individual to you. Therefore the amount of product used should allow for subtle and natural results. That’s why they are Ireland’s most popular anti-wrinkle treatment. The ‘frozen’ appearance only occurs as a result of over-treatment. The desired outcome is refreshed, renewed and more youthful looking skin, so it is unlikely that anyone will recognise that you have undergone a procedure.

Is the treatment painful or will I require a great deal of downtime afterwards?

No. Anti-wrinkle injectables are introduced using a very fine needle directly into the muscle that causes facial contractions in a specific area. Most areas require several injections but each only takes a few seconds and you should only feel a slight prick of the needle. If you are worried about the pain or are sensitive to it, an anaesthetic gel can be applied beforehand.

Anti-wrinkle injectables may cause slight bruising in the treated area but require very little downtime, so it’s possible to have the treatment done quickly during a lunch break or on the way home from work, so you can say goodbye to your frown in a convenient, effective way. It is advisable to avoid any blood thinning medication such as aspirin prior to your treatment as this may increase the risk of bruising.

Are anti-wrinkle injectables dangerous?

Anti-wrinkle injectables are only unsafe if they are not administered by a highly-qualified medical practitioner. Though the treatment has been around for more than 25 years and qualified practitioners should be experienced in the procedure, incorrect placement or dosage of the anti-wrinkle injectable may be dangerous. For this reason, make sure to attend a recognised and reputable clinic and to do your research beforehand. It is important that the individual administering the injections has a strong understanding of facial musculature and experience in this practice.

Do anti-wrinkle injectables work immediately and will they last forever?

The results of anti-wrinkle injectables cannot be seen immediately. Everyone’s skin is different but generally results can be seen within 2-5 days of treatment. As with almost everything in life, they don’t last forever; they temporarily stop the facial nerves from sending a message to the muscle to contract when we make a facial expression. This allows the muscle to relax and the skin to release its wrinkle.

The benefits of anti-wrinkle injectables are that your skin will look smoother and rejuvenated, usually for 3-4 months before the relaxing effect on the muscle wears off. Regular treatment keeps wrinkles at bay.

If you stop getting anti-wrinkle injectables, it will not make the wrinkles any worse than they would have been prior to receiving the treatment, but rather, your skin will return to its original state.

Can anti-wrinkle injectables prevent future wrinkles from occurring?

In a way, yes, the muscle and overlying skin is relaxed after the anti-wrinkle injectables and cannot contract in the same way as before, preventing a wrinkle from forming or softening it. Regular treatments allow the muscle to stay relaxed and therefore prevent further lines from forming in the treated area.

Are anti-ageing creams as effective as anti-wrinkle injectables?

Whilst anti-ageing creams can appear to reduce signs of ageing, they only treat the surface layers of the skin and are not therefore eradicating wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injectables target specific areas and are injected directly into the muscle that causes facial contractions. They temporarily stop the facial nerves from allowing the muscle to contract, enabling it to relax and the skin to release its wrinkle.

Are anti-wrinkle injectables only for women?

Although anti-wrinkle injectables are not as common a treatment for men as they are for women, of course both sexes can equally benefit from the procedure. In fact, many men are opting to get anti-wrinkle injectables to combat the signs of ageing. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported in 2014 that there has been a 337% increase in the amount of men who got anti-wrinkle injectables in the last ten years.

Are anti-wrinkle injectables and dermal fillers the same thing?

Anti-wrinkle injectables and dermal fillers are not the same treatment. They differ in several ways; anti-wrinkle injectables prevent the facial muscle from contracting and result in the relaxation of the skin over the muscle, whereas dermal fillers are injected into areas of facial tissue to temporarily increase lost volume in the skin.

The two treatments are often used in different areas. Anti-wrinkle injectables tend to treat forehead lines, crow’s feet and frown lines, whereas dermal fillers can treat cheekbones and add volume and definition to the lips. Dermal fillers also last longer than anti-wrinkle injectables – anywhere between 6-12 months as opposed to 3-4 months for anti-wrinkle injectables.

If you are interested in anti-wrinkle injectables or any other skin treatments and would like to speak to a skincare specialist, consultations are available at Thérapie Clinic. Call the clinic on 1890 650 750, or book a consultation below.