Medical Grade Laser Hair Removal vs DIY Home Care Products

One thing we all have in common is our search for the holy-grail that is fast, effective and 100% reliable hair removal. The ultimate fail safe technique. That one solution which can completely remove this stressful beautification struggle from our lives and make us feel better and more confident about ourselves as we go about our daily lives.
I mean, really – is it really too much to ask that we should want to say good riddance to unwanted hair? No, I’m glad you agree!

So what are your options for laser hair removal?

Like anything else, there are so many options to choose from when it comes to hair removal. In fact, the danger is that the more you read about hair removal techniques, the more confused you are likely to become.
Essentially, how do you know whether to go for IPL laser hair removal, medical grade laser hair removal or simply buy a home laser removal kit as a DIY option? Well, let’s look at each one to try and simplify the options in your head!

What is Laser and what is IPL?

First things first. Not everything that is described as laser treatment is actually laser treatment at all!
In fact, very often laser hair removal is little more than a catch-all phrase which is used to describe hair removal techniques that involve some mechanical intervention; so basically, a method which does not involve waxing or shaving then!
However, when many salons advertise “laser hair removal”, more often than not the treatment which they refer to is, in actual fact, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light).
So just to be clear, IPL is not laser! In fact, it is a much less effective treatment, delivering inferior results whilst at the same time requiring more sessions. And where laser guarantees long lasting hair-free results in just 6-8 treatments, IPL is simply not as effective as a long-term hair removal option…and yet it still involves between 10-20 treatments.
So, what laser hair removal actually refers to, is what Thérapie Clinic offers! At Therapie, we use only medical-grade laser equipment which means we can guarantee successful results. That is why Thérapie Clinics all around the country have already carried out a total of more than 400,00 treatments to date! (Oh and what’s more, whilst we recommend that you commit to a course of 6 treatments for optimum results, you will begin to see the results after just 2 to three sessions!)

Medical Grade Laser Technology

Our equipment is second to none. We use the most technologically advanced laser equipment available because this ensures the best and safest treatments for all our patients.
Our sophisticated medical grade lasers work simply by delivering an intense beam of light that is absorbed by the skin. This light is converted to heat and is absorbed by the cells being targeted, while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected.
It is a relatively painless procedure too, just so you know, with just slight discomfort felt by some patients, depending on how sensitive they are as well as what area is being treated.

Home Hair Removal Kits

There are a number of home hair removal devices now available on the market. As with any off the shelf consumer products, different models with very different price points are widely available.
And whilst some of these home hair removal kits involve laser technology, there are lots of things to bear in mind before making the decision to take full responsibility for removing your own unwanted hair!
1. Cost

DIY home removal kit option:
Buying a home hair removal kit, and in particular a higher end model, will set you back hundreds of Euro. And of course, you haven’t used the product at this stage so you don’t know how easy / comfortable / effective it will be in terms of doing what it might claim to do!
Thérapie Clinic option:
Laser hair removal with Thérapie Clinic offers a permanent hair reduction – guaranteed! And when you consider that this result can be achieved in just 4- 6 treatments, the value for money is simply unbeatable.

2. Tricky to use:

DIY Home removal kits:
Many of the home removal products will claim to be very easy to use, but in reality, they can in reality be quite fiddly to use. Let’s face it, removing one’s own hair is never going to be completely simple because most people are not hair removal experts!

Thérapie Clinic:
A point to note is that removing hair from awkward areas is no easy task, trust us! That is why we use only the best available equipment, and place this in the hands of fully trained hair removal specialists. The last thing you want to experience is below par equipment that you are not entirely familiar with….so why take the risk if you don’t need to?!

3. Results reliability:

DIY Home removal kits:
A burning question to ask, when considering buying a DIY home removal kit, is simply can the results be 100% guaranteed? Yes, many will make big claims on the packaging as is the way with any consumer products, but can you be absolutely certain of the results before you buy?

Thérapie Clinic:
The answer to the above question “can the results be 100% guaranteed?” is simply no, you cannot. But when you choose laser hair removal with Thérapie Clinic, we guarantee hair reduction, simple as that!
4. Time:

DIY Home removal kits:
Many of the home removal kits on the market require a great deal more time to use, than is the case when receiving laser hair removal treatment from a professional in a clinic environment.
In addition of course, there is always a learning curve when it comes to understanding exactly how a product works, and often this only comes with experience from using the product!
Laser Hair Removal at Thérapie Clinic:
When you visit Thérapie Clinic to undergo laser hair removal treatment, we use only the best available medical grade equipment. You will simply not be able to find a faster or more effective treatment anywhere else.

Before deciding on any treatment, get a free consultation!

Before deciding on the hair removal option that best suits you, why not come and talk to one of hair removal specialists here at Thérapie Clinic and get a FREE consultation?
Just give us a call on 1890 650 750 or fill in the contact form on this page and one of our team will contact you straight away!