Fed up of waxing? Now is the time to start thinking about laser hair removal

With spring in full swing, many of us will be thinking about dusting off our spring wardrobe and, dare we say it, swapping tights for bare legs. But with warmer weather comes greater pressure to keep our skin smooth and fuzz-free.

While it’s probably the most effective at-home method for removing unwanted hair, waxing is painful, messy and often quite expensive – costing the average person €18,000 in their lifetime!

Laser hair removal at Thérapie Clinic – Europe’s number one aesthetics clinic – is the answer, as it offers long-lasting results for a fraction of the price per year.

What is laser hair removal?
Laser Hair Removal is a safe and effective way of removing unwanted hair, permanently. The way it works is simple. Light is absorbed by melanin, the pigment in the hair follicle. The laser’s light energy heats the pigment and destroys the hair follicle. It only affects the specific structures of the hair and follicle, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

And unlike other laser hair removal methods, the effects are permanent, thanks to the high absorption wavelength and shot pulse duration that heats and destroys the hair follicle.

It’s also a good option if you’re plagued by ingrown hairs. If you shave in the first few days after your treatment, that will help lift off dead hairs and leaves your skin silky smooth.

Does it hurt?

While it sounds dramatic, it’s nowhere near as painful as waxing; you may feel a prickly sensation but it’s very bearable.

How long does a session of laser hair removal take?
How long the sessions take depends on the size of the area you’re having treated. An upper lip can take just 30 seconds, an underarm is approximately a minute and full legs take around 10 minutes.

When will I see results?
For most people, they’ll results after just six sessions of laser hair removal, and its permanence means it saves you money on razors and waxing in the long run.

After the first treatment, the hairs will be dead and they take about a week to make their way out of the follicle – after which you will be hair free for a period of time until the next phase of hair growth appears.

These are not the same hairs. At any one time, only 30 per cent of the hair in the skin is in the growing (or Anagen) stage, and laser can only treat growing hairs. The other two phases of the hair cycle, called Catagen and Telogen, mean the hair is either dormant or falling out; so the laser doesn’t impact it. As all of your hair is in different phases at different times, you need several treatments spread out over a number of weeks to ensure the laser ‘catches’ the each of the hairs in their growth phase at some point.

Browse Thérapie Clinic’s extensive range of laser hair removal treatments for men and women on therapieclinic.com.