Excessive hair growth out of control? Laser Hair Removal to the rescue!

If you’ve ever experienced hair loss or excess hair you’ll know that both are hard to regulate at the best of times. Hair loss is still relatively hard to remedy, but if you are having problems with excess hair the good news is that thanks to advances in technology over the past few years, permanent hair removal is now easy to access, affordable and virtually pain free.

Thérapie Clinic are Ireland’s No.1 Laser Hair Removal experts and with Clinics all over Ireland and the UK, they have treated more than 2 million patients with Laser Hair Removal so it’s fair to say they know a thing or two about the life changing treatment. But more on that later, first of all let’s take a look at why you might be experiencing extra hair growth, and just what other reasons you might be considering going down the permanent hair removal route with Laser Hair Removal.

Hormonal changes
A change in hair growth is relatively common, and can spiral out of control for anyone at any time, but especially if you’ve recently been pregnant or you’ve been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries.

Polycystic ovaries affect one in ten women in Ireland, and with two in ten women saying that they experience ‘extra body hair growth’ in the months after giving birth, the chore that is hair removal can become a very frequent (and expensive!) reality. Many women who experience this say that their excess hair often grows on their jawline or face, which can be particularly distressing. ’

So what are the options? Well you could continue to steadily buy razors and head to your local waxing salon, both expensive and time consuming options. But maybe it’s time to switch things up a little bit and to look at laser hair removal – which is as accessible as other hair removal options, permanent and pain free.

Denise, one of Thérapie’s Laser Hair Removal clients experienced postpartum hair growth on her face after she had her second baby, ‘After I had our second baby I noticed a lot of hormonal changes, one of which was new hair growth on my chin and jawline. Both of which I hadn’t experienced before. I signed up for a free consultation with Thérapie, as my friend had experienced the same after having a baby and was delighted with the results. After just the first session most of my hair was virtually gone. After six sessions I am back to normal, and feeling so much better for it. The team in Thérapie really helped me to understand that it’s very common to experience this after giving birth, and I found them to be so supportive. I couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

Laser hair removal is a highly effective way to permanently remove hair, the treatment is very successful on all skin types and hair colours, with most clients seeing a dramatic difference after just one session, all in it’s a great way to permanently remove unwanted hair whether on your face or body.

Ingrown hairs
You mightn’t have experienced excessive hair growth but if you regularly shave or wax, chances are you’ll know more than enough about ingrown hairs. And there’s no doubt about it, ingrown hairs are one of the most irritating parts of hair removal. And if you’ve got curly or coarse hair you’re more likely to get them. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter whether you shave or wax, pluck or thread – so what should you do? Being prone to them can make you shudder at the thought of exposing your skin where the annoying raised red spots have taken over, but there are ways to soothe the sore areas, as well as a more permanent way to alleviate them.

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is by not shaving, which is by far the biggest culprit when it comes to these pesky hairs. If you want to shave, there are things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs and help them get better quicker. Have a chat with your pharmacist, there are a number of exfoliating products on the market to prevent ingrown hairs. They also might recommend using different shaving or hair removal products to prevent further irritation or in severe cases they may suggest a mild antiseptic to help prevent infection in the area. These measures may help but the likelihood of the ingrown hairs coming back in the same areas time after time is very likely unfortunately.

Of course as the old saying goes, prevention is ALWAYS better than a cure. The NHS website suggests Laser Hair Removal as a long term method of hair removal that doesn’t cause ingrown hairs, and they are absolutely right. In fact what if we told you that after 6-8 sessions of Laser Hair Removal you’d never have to shave or wax the area again? Well the good news is that a course of Laser Hair removal treatments can offer you just that. As well as that you will notice a significant difference in hair growth in the treated area after just ONE treatment? And no more ingrown hairs to boot – amazing right?

Bring back your confidence
Hormonal changes, excess hair and ingrown hair can all take its toll on your confidence – don’t let it! Laser Hair Removal suits all skin types, hair types and is readily available throughout Ireland. Let us help you bring back the bounce in your step because maybe the best pay off that laser hair removal can bring is confidence. Whether that’s confidence to finally wear something or whether we simply feel better about ourselves as a result of laser hair removal, gaining confidence is a key indicator that we’re feeling good, and surely that’s the measure of a good treatment?

Why Thérapie?
Already the choice of many Irish and UK celebrities and well-known faces, Thérapie Clinic is Europe’s no. 1 Doctor led business where experience and professionalism is paramount to every customer experience. When you visit Thérapie looking to find out more about your treatment you’ll get a one to one consultation which will be met with a personalised treatment plan.

Without doubt a big part of the Thérapie Clinic success story has been based on strong customer recommendations and also offering customer treatments and procedures that are professional, thorough and World class.

What changes will I see in the Clinic during COVID ?
Thérapie Clinic’s main priority is keeping you, and their team safe and well at this time. And because of that they have taken a long list of precautions to ensure that everyone’s health and safety is the top priority when carrying out every treatment.

When you arrive for your appointment will notice that all Thérapie team members will be wearing full PPE including gloves, aprons, visors and masks, please remember that face coverings are necessary at all times when visiting the clinics and when having your treatment.

Other differences you may notice are that there are perspex screens at all reception desks, social distancing measures and floor markings are in place throughout every clinic space and that there are sanitization stations at the entrance of every Clinic. Patients and the entire Thérapie team are required to have their temperature taken upon arrival to the Clinic.

These measures are in place for your safety and the safety of the team, please respect them when you visit our Clinics, your safety and health is our priority.

Call Thérapie Clinic Ireland’s No.1 Laser Hair Removal provider today
Booking a consultation today with Thérapie Clinic means that you’re in safe hands with teams who have been working in laser hair removal since 2002 and have performed millions of treatments. Thérapie has 40 clinics spread across Ireland and the UK where you can book a consultation today, knowing that you’ll get the best care and most effective results possible.

Decided to go ahead with Laser Hair Removal? You can learn more by booking a free consultation with the Thérapie team in any one of their Clinics by calling 1890 650 750 or online at therapieclinic.com