Botox for UK Brides: What you need to know

A bride smiles with confidence after having Botox at a UK clinic

Botox for 21st-century brides

Have you been thinking about getting a bit of Botox before your big day? It’s fair to say that this decade has been a tricky one for brides. With numerous lockdowns and rules, many have found themselves having to postpone their wedding numerous times. It might feel like the additional stress and worry have taken their toll on your skin. Perhaps, you’re even seeing the first signs of ageing. But do not fear, if you want to look your best on the big day, we’re sharing everything that brides need to know about getting Botox in the UK.

Botox treatments to consider

Before we get into the details, let’s just consider your treatment options. Anti-wrinkle injections such as Botox can be used to get rid of fine lines and furrows, for example, those that can appear on the forehead or the corner of the eyes. But that’s not all. Over time, your brow can begin to droop, making the space between your brows and your eyes smaller. You may first notice this when trying out more complex eye make-up and realising there’s less “space”. However, a Botox brow lift can reverse this, helping to enhance your natural beauty.

Timing your Botox treatment

One of the most important considerations for a bride is timing the Botox injections. You might be concerned that if you have these too close to the wedding, you’ll have to deal with Botox side effects. However, these are minimal and only last for a couple of days. However, Botox doesn’t work immediately and can take a couple of weeks to be fully effective.

How long Botox works varies from person to person, but you can expect it to be effective for somewhere around 2-4 months. Therefore, you simply need to have your treatment a few weeks before the big day to see the best results in your wedding photos.

Choosing your Botox clinic

To get the best Botox treatment, you must choose a professional clinic where you can feel confident and relaxed. Therapie Clinic is an award-winning medical clinic with qualified and trained professionals to administer these anti-wrinkle injections. With over twenty-five Botox clinics in the UK, we have a wealth of experience and offer a relaxed ambience. Our clinics are all easily accessible and fitted with the latest technology so that you can get the best results.

How much Botox costs

You might be concerned about whether Botox will fit in your bridal budget. In fact, Botox costs less than most people think. Here at Therapie Clinic, we also like to offer a first-class service at an affordable price. That’s why we offer three areas of Botox for the price of two. This costs just £199. That’s probably less than you’re spending on the bouquet of flowers you’ll carry down the aisle.

Booking your Botox in the UK

With restrictions easing, Botox and big weddings will be back very soon. Make sure you’re looking your best on your big day by booking your Botox now. You can either get started right away by booking your online consultation or give us a call on 08000 121 565 – we’re waiting to answer your questions and help you out.