6 Super Simple Tips for Toning Your Legs (And How To Improve Them Even More)

If hitting the gym to get lovely legs in time for summer sounds like your idea of hell, never fear. You don’t have to spend hours on those machines to get them toned. You can do it by making the most of your daily routine. Don’t believe us? Keep reading (you can thank us later when you’re parading your pins for all the world to see).

Walk or cycle to work

Yes it’s exercise, but it serves a purpose and being out and about helps to distract you from the fact that you are working out – always a good thing if you ask us! Furthermore, when you walk or cycle to work, you have to do the same thing to get home, which means more cardio, thus increasing your fitness levels and keeping you healthy. It’s also a great way to get some time to yourself and de-stress after a long day in the office.

Use the stairs

The lift might get you there quicker and be easier but using the stairs will target your entire leg as well as your bum. Again, this is a very simple way of upping the amount of exercise you do every day and while it might not seem like much, these little choices do add up and will help you get into shape over the course of time. The more things you do, the more effective it will be. On the subject of bums, if the light exercise is not a possibility, you can always get a helping hand with the Brazilian bum lift – a great, non-invasive way to perk up that posterior and give you the bikini body you dreamed of.

Dance the night away

We know that dancing is not on par with hitting up a gym class but it does make you work up a sweat and engages most parts of your body, which means that you are burning calories and fat whilst enjoying yourself. That’s our next Saturday night sorted so! Of course, showing off your moves might also require showing off your legs, so you will want them to be lovely and smooth, and we know just where to go to make sure they are silky soft and hair-free with laser hair removal.

Alter your shoe height

Believe it or not but walking in heels does help to firm up your butt and tone your calves, which means that not only do you look fab in those four-inch stilettos but you’re also doing wonders for those pins of yours. Of course, wearing high heels all day every day isn’t practical (or comfortable). In fact, the best thing to do is to alter your heel height from day to day, ranging from heels to flats.

Squats and lunges

If you really want to give your legs a workout, get to grips with squats and lunges. These two moves are great at toning your legs and the thing is you can easily do them in the comfort of your own home. After you’ve mastered the technique, try doing four sets of eight. Then increase the amount of reps you do to 12. After that, you can consider adding weights.

Keep moving at all times

Even when you’re standing, you can get those leg muscles going. Calf raises are a prime example. All you have to do is lift yourself up onto the balls of your feet repeatedly and with control. At your desk in work, why not invest in a machine, such as a desk cycle? That way, you can type and tone at the very same time.

It goes without say that if you put all of this effort and time into toning your legs, you’ll want them to look and feel their best. That’s where Laser Hair Removal comes in! You could have tremendously toned and sensationally smooth legs if you undergo a course of this treatment, and enjoy all the benefits of permanent hair removal, not to mention being able to say goodbye to razors and waxing with this great option for permanent hair removal.

Quick and easy, meaning you can organise a session for your lunch break, the procedure will ensure your legs remain beautifully smooth and looking great. All you have to do then is show them off!

For more information on Laser Hair Removal, check out Thérapie Clinic. You can find out more information or request a free consultation via their website, by calling them on 1890 650 750 or by clicking below.